ECCK – Equipment for Coupling Control Handle

This equipment can be used to produce the following end products:

  • Coupling Control Handle

  • Control Handle

  • Control Handle Coupling

The equipment insert the control sheath into the hole of the control knob.

This is composed of an aluminum plate on feet on which the following units are applied:
– a pneumatic cylinder
– a mask for inserting the knob and sheath
– a two-handed command
– a totalizer for counting the cycles performed

ECCK – Equipment for Coupling Control Handle

Technical Data

– dimensions: 30 x 30 x H 20 cm
– weight: 10 Kg
– pneumatic supply 5 bar
– working cycle execution time: about 1 sec.

The operator inserts the knob and the mask sheath and then presses the double command to carry out the assembly.

Notes: The data included are not binding